Sabtu, 26 Februari 2011


Another great day happened on today! Yay, I had a debate competition at UKSW (Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana) Salatiga. Vicky and Cicot are my partners as a team. This is my 2nd time to be here, on ECD (English Competition Day) but last year (2010), my partners are Nindy and Vicky. This kind of competition helds every year for High School all over the Central Java. At that time we were on top 8 and be allowed to get through on the 2nd day. It was proud enough...

But today

Rabu, 23 Februari 2011

My Playlist

Ah, sempet kaget juga tadi siang. Pas pelajaran terakhir hampir selesai sekitar 10 menit lagi, aku dapet telepon dari nomer yang ga dikenal. Pertama sih mikir, "siapa sih, ni orang? lagi pelajaran kok telepon". Walaupun ngomonng gitu, tetep aja aku terima telponnya dari bawah meja. (haha, untung keadaan kelas lagi rame). Eh, ternyata yang nelepon Kak Lita dari PRAMBORS yang tiba-tiba nanya soal Playlist yang pengen di puter di Prambors!! kaget plus bingung aku bilang, "ah, iya deh. Ntar ditelpon aja lagi, sekitar 10 menitan, Lagi pelajaran nih, kak" dan dengan baek hati, si Kak Lita ngijinin aku buat bikin playlistnya dulu sebelum ditelpon balik. Dengan semangat '45, langsung deh aku buat daftar ini:
1. Paramore - Brick By Boring Brick
2. Michael Buble - Home
3. Justin Bieber - Pray
4. Taylor Swirf - Back To December
5. Usher - Burn
6. Jason Castro - Let's Just Fall In Love Again
7. Efek Rumah Kaca - Desember
8. Aditya - Mine
9. Radio Head - High and Dry
10. Cold Play - Yellow

Nah, keren keren kan lagu pilihan aku? Sebenernya masi banyak lagi yang pengen aku taruh, tapi cukup 10 lagu doang. Itupun uda bersyuskur dan makasih banget buat radio Prambors yang uda mau muterin playlist aku. I'm so excited, ya kno?? :D Thank Youuuuuu....!!!
*oh, dont miss it, guys! it'll on air at 10!!


Senin, 21 Februari 2011


Ah, sial karena baru sempet sekarang online di komputer, jadi telat deh nulis soalultah aku kemaren Minggu :(
Tapi ga papa, sekarang aku bakal ceritain detailnya. (anggep aja deh ini entri buat tanggal 20) hehe.

Oke, dari pagi aku bangun tidur aku dapet sms ucapan selamat ultah dari beberapa temenku. Setekah itu pasti dapet gereeting juga dari Papa Mama dan Abang aku. Juga beberapa keluarga laen. Sebenernya pagi ini aku ada rencana buat jalan-jalan ke CFD a.k.a Car Free Day di daerah simpang Lima dan sekitar Taman KB, bareng Vivi, Serlinda, Tiara, dan Onyx, yang kebetulan banget juga ultah ke 16 tahun juga kayak aku. haha
Lucunya, yang bawa sepeda cuma si Tiara (hehe, cuma sepeda dia doang yang paling layak buat khalayak) ynag laen dateng naek motor, dan cuma jalan-jalan sekalian hunting photo. Alhasil, sepeda  si Tiara buat dipake bareng-bareng secara bergilir!! (walopun si Onyx paling ketagihan naek sepedanya). Setelah capek olahraga, kita sarapan bubur ayam langganan, hmmm... yummy!! ;)

Siangnya, Onyx ngundang kami bertiga buat makan-makan dsi rumahnya daerah Gedawang. Dan kali ini ini bareng Yane (yang hampir lupa sama ultah temennya ini) hahahaha, payah. Onyx sampe kesel sendiri gara-gara dia. Nah, diperjalanan kami memutuskan beli kado buat Onyx. Jadi deh, kami beli boneka kodok ijo yang kalo dipencet bunyi kodok keluar, berhubung anaknya doyan sama Keropi.


we're going crazy!!! LOL :D

Malemnya, giliran makan bareng keluarga di Pisa Cafe. (aaahy, seneng bisa dinner ngerayain ultah barene keluarga!!!) 

look!! This is my lovely parents :)

my 16th birthday is amazing and unforgettable :)


Selasa, 15 Februari 2011

libur maulid nabi

nonton filem Despicble Me, sama PPP a.k.a Princess Protection Program (Demi Lovato and Selena Gomez)

Senin, 14 Februari 2011


Banyak hal yang mau aku share tentang hari in. Well, aku mulai dari hal pertama:

1. TODAY'S VALENTINE'S DAY: seperti yang aku bilang sebalumnya, valentine itu ga ada di kamus ku. Hari kasih sayang yang setiap hari, dong. Ya ga? hehe, tapi aku tetep beli coklat buat aku makan bareng-bareng leluarga di rumah. Aku belicukup banyak. Bingungkenapa aku beli coklat, padahal aku sendiri bilang kalo aku ga ngerayain valentine?? Jawabannya adalah KARENA COKLAT DI HARI VALENTINE DI JUAL MURAH DENGAN HARGA PROMOSI!!! lmfao :D (aji mumpung gitu, deh)

2. HUNTING FOTO, HANG OUT, BELI KADO VALENTINE: Nah, tadi siang jam 10an gitu ada temen yang tiba2 nyamperin ke rumah buat ngajak hunting foto. Mereka Vivi, Onyx, sama Jeanny  (yang ini baru kenalan) Dan karena emang lagi ga ada acara dan bete setengah mati, aku setuju ikut deh. Lumayaaaan, hunting pake kamera bagusnya Si Onyx ;). Kita akhirnya pilih tempat di daerah Pantai Marina, cari tempat yang teduh. Dan akhirnya dapet di jalanan sekitar pantai dengan pepohonan pinus pinggiran jalan. Nah capek hunting, kami lanjut ke Paragon City buat ngadem dan cari tempat nongkrong sambil nyemil. Aku juga sempet beli kado valentine buat Lolita, gantungan kunci piglet. soalnya kami uda janjian valentine mau tuker2an coklat. Tapi setekah dipikir-pikir, dia  pasti bosen sama coklat. Kebetulan juga liat gantungan kunci tadi, dan aku tau Lolita penggila makhluk pink itu, akhirnya beli itu buat ganti coklat.

3. GRAMMY AWARD: Nah, kalo yang satu ini udah aku tunggu-tunggu buat ditonton malem ini jam 11:30. Gila ya, malem banget!! :/ tapi boro-boro ding, ada stasiun TV nasional yang up to date dan berbaik hati mau nayangin siarasn ulang dari perhelatan akbar penghargaan musik bergengsi di Amrik sono. tul ga? hehe. dialah RCTI!! yaaah, walaupun dengan bejibun iklan nan menybalkan, tetep jempol deh buat RCTI!! :D. Tau kenapa aku excited banget?? karena aku bisa liat perform musisisi internasional keren kayak Lady Gaga, Muse, Katy Perry, Rihanna, Eminem, Usher, Lady Antebellum, and of course Justin Bieber -,- LOL Pokoknay masi banyak lagi celebs yang laen. Tapi yang paling penting ada THE NEW PARAMORE yang bacain nominasi dan masuk nominasi di kategori musi rock!! (walaupun ga menang dan ga perform) haha, sedih deh :(

Kemungkinan, next time aku mau share soal daftar pemennag piala Grammy, deh. So, stay tune yaaaaaa :D


Minggu, 13 Februari 2011

Valentine's Eve

Tonight is valentine night, it means tomorrow is a day that alot of couples had been waiting for. And Im not one of them, just like WTF?! Yea, im a jomblo a.k.a single. (But wait, IM HIGH QUALITY JOMBLO, ya kno?) Lmfao


But altough i'll not celebrate valentine for this year, i believe i still gets alot of loves from people around me. Because LOVE ALWAYS EXIST EVERYTIME, EVERYWHERE, AND EVERYDAY. That's the point, gals!
So, im pretty sure tomo will be fine for me :)

Hey, i almost forget to tell ya bout my birthday gift that i just got from my Mom! Its red leather flatshoes with vintage look! Yea, you're rite. Its too early, my b'day is on 20th February. But im so excited! I love it, thanks Mom!
*now, ur turn Dad! ;)


Sabtu, 12 Februari 2011

uhmm... What?! Damn!

Hey you! Attention, please! I wanna say something important. I swear its really important!
OMG, OMG, OMG!!! I got heart attack today! I met Greyson Chance and took some pictures with him! And ya kno what?? I got his signature too! Ah wait, I also got his hug!! Awww... I felt like a G6! My heart stopped! I couldnt breath! I cant believe it! Im absolutely dreamin, am I??

What? Err what?! So im really dreamin, huh? Oh, damn!! :/

np: sorry, i just lil bit insane when i wrote this. Lmfao :D


Rabu, 09 Februari 2011


Ahahaha, gilaaaaa banget nih penemuan. Hari ini aku bareng sepupu, kurang kerjaan banget, jadi kami memutuskan buat iseng-iseng ngeliatin MV-MV a.k.a video klip para penyanyi dan boy band korea di laptop sepupuku itu. MV pertama dateng dari SHINEE yang Hello, eh ga sengaja aku merhatiin pose2 mereka yang sok sekseh. Terus aku nyletuk deh, "wah, sok sekseh deh si Key, kenapa hobi banget ngelap bibir pake jari? udah kayak vampir habis minum darah aje". Nah, video selanjutnya datang dari Rain yang Rainism (well, di sini si Rain emang keliatan keyen abis seperti biasa) tapiiiiiiiiiii... lah kok pake acara ngelap2 bibir segala??! GUBRAK!!!

Nah, mulai dari situ aku sama sepupuku dapet ide usil bin ga penting: MENGADAKAN PENELITIAN ATAS PERILAKU PARA MUSISI KOREA  TERHADAP MENGELAP BIBIR DALAM MV MEREKA (terutama yang cowok). Dan akhirnya diperoleh hasil berikut:
1. SHINEE: check
2. Rain: check
3. Super Junior: check
4. SS501: check
5. TVXQ: check
6. SE7EN: check

Nah, kalo yang satu ini lulus dalam pemeriksaan kami
1. Big Bang: lulus
2. CN Blue: lulus
3. FT Island: lulus
4. T-max: lulus, (emang boyband yang satu ini lulus dalam kategori ini. Tapi, justru NGELAP2 HIDUNG kayak orang pilek!! -,-)

Seperti kita tahu para cowok cantik ini memang enak diliat dari segi tampang dan style mereka yang fashionable abiiieeessss... Tapi apakah ga cukup dengan cara berpakaian  mereka yang "Ih, WOW!" itu?? di sini aku bukan haters sih, aku justru salah satu penikmat K-Pop  juga. Tapi kadang risih juga sama stlyle mereka. hehe :3
Oke, sampe di situ dulu penemuan kami. Mungkin di lain kesempatan kami akan meneliti gerakan sekseh nan menjijaykan lainnya dari band-band korea lagi. Stay tune teruussss, yaaaaa :))


Selasa, 08 Februari 2011

Don't Cry Your Heart Out

by: Cody Simpson

I'm back to put the sunshine in your mind,
cause I don't like the way he's got you raining all the time,
Put away your troubles by leaving him behind,
so every time you look up, clear blue sky,
But here he comes again like a cloud in your view
blocking all of you light like only he could do,
Don't listen to his sorries girl drop him drop him,
he really needs to stop it, cause I'm your only topic now,

With me you'll never end up in the same silly situations, no,
don't you know that if you were to walk then i'll be here waiting,
Girl don't you cry your heart out, let me stop before you start out,
Don't need his explanations, no,
cause he don't really want to know about the way your feeling now,
cause I'm the one who's here for you no doubt,
so don't you cry your heart out,

Baby girl I would never tell you lies,
no crocodile tears, no messing with your mind,
we could talk forever, past the end of time,
I promise you a love that'll never make you blind,

but when i'm here with you not a cloud in your view,
nothing blocking out your light, not like he used to do,
Don't listen to his sorries girl, drop him drop him,
he really needs to stop it, cause I'm your only topic now,

With me you'll never end up in the same silly situations, no,
don't you know that if you were to walk then i'll be here waiting, yeah,
Girl don't you cry your heart out,
let me stop before you start out,

[ From: ]

Don't need his explanations, no,(don't need him),
cause he don't really want to know about the way you feeling now,
cause I'm the one who's here for you no doubt,
so don't you cry your heart out,

Cry, cry, cry,
It's time for him to cause you've already cried enough to put out the fires he left behind, yeah,
why, why, why,
Every thing he ever did has come back on him look at us now,
didn't I tell you so, it's his turn,

Girl don't you cry your heart out,
let me stop before you start out,
Don't need his explanations, no,
cause he don't really want to know about the way your feeling now,
cause I'm the one who's here for you no doubt, so don't you cry your heart out,

Girl don't you cry your heart out,
let me stop before you start out,
Don't need his explanations, no,
cause he don't really want to know about the way your feeling now,
cause I'm the one who's here for you
no doubt, so don't you cry your heart out,

Girl don't you cry your heart out,
cause i'm the one who's here for you no doubt,
so don't you cry your heart out.

Senin, 07 Februari 2011

Talk Is Cheap: Miley, Josh and New Pup Get Cosy

Talk Is Cheap: Miley, Josh and New Pup Get Cosy: "Miley and So Undercover co-star Josh Bowman get cute and cosy in Griffith Park in LA on Saturday afternoon (Feb 5th) with Miley..."

Sabtu, 05 Februari 2011


Greyson and Cody having dinner together

Greyon and Cody at Cody's 14th b'day bash :)
I dore 'em!!






I Think Im Fallin in Love With Jay Chou LOL :D

YAAYY!! I got a holiday today! LMFAO, jk. I was absent, for honestly ;p. And my reason is: I DIDN'T GET MY UNIFORM ON MY WARDROBE. And i realized then, it was still in laundry!! (WTF?!)
I dunno i have to angry or say thanks for this 'lucky' moment. lol :D

I was getting bored, so I decided to went to cinema watched The Green Hornet with my cousin.  This movie's so incredible and so much fun!! LOL and you kno what?? Jay Chou look fuckin cool in this movie. The Green Hornet is a 2011 superhero action-comedy film, based on the character of the same name that had originated in a 1930s radio program and has appeared in movie serials, a television seriescomic books and other media. Directed by Michel Gondry, the film starsSeth Rogen, who co-wrote the screenplay with Evan Goldberg. Supporting actors include Jay Chou as KatoChristoph WaltzCameron DiazEdward James OlmosDavid Harbour, and Tom Wilkinson.
 im proud of him. Asian go hollywood!! :D (and i think Im fallin in love with him becuz of this movie) LMAO
Well, actually i have seen him in Initial D and The Curse Of Golden Flower. And of course he look amazing too here. I dunno why, but i think he just have a good sense of act. You guys must watch this movie! Verry recomended!!

Jay Chou as Kato. sexy, huh?? lmfao :D

old and new The Green Hornet. wich one do you prefer??

so i think this movie is gonna be on my fav list. Yes, Green Hornet you got it! ;)

Linda ;)

Rabu, 02 Februari 2011

My Mom's turning 54 years old!! :D

aaah, I'm so excited today!!! :D
Becuz today's My Mom's b'day. And i wanna say thanks to ALLAH who gives her healthy and gave me the best Mom ever in this hard world :D
even there's sumtin bad news. It's my Mom who cant held a party or sumtin, becuz she have to go to Jakarta for work thing. But even we cant celebrate it today, we'll do it tomo *promise


errr, actually not only my Mom's b'day, but also today's Chinese New Year's eve! What a special day! LOL
so, although Im not a chinese I wanna say 'Gong Xi Fat Choi' guys :) LOL
*wow, tomo's holiday! Yippiiiiiee!

Linda :)

Selasa, 01 Februari 2011

SMA 9 Punya Acara

Hari ini asiiiiiiiik banget! Enggak kayak kemaren, hari ini di sekolah ada acara seru gitu. Tau kenapa? SMA ku ultah yang ke 30 tahun (masi muda juga buat itungan sekolahan). So, this time I wanna say HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY LOVELY SCHOOL!! Be better please? Haha :D

Well, bukan cuma itu aja sebenernya yang buat aku hepi. Karena selaen kegiatan jalan sehat, outbond, dan lomba mading 3D (ive told you this one), sekolah juga kedatengan radio station fav ku! The one and only, Prambors 102 fm pastinya! ;D nah, siang tadi Prambors ngisi acara gitu buat ngeramein ulah sekolah. Actually, this event proudly present from Yamaha Mio. Nama acaranya aja MioSchoolympic (kebetulan aja bareng HUT sekolah). Pokoknya di acara ini, kami para siswa enjoy banget deh!! :)


ps: picts will be upload soon