Selasa, 26 April 2011


OMG! I got the news that Big Bang.
My beloved
idol from the east will come to Indonesia. I got
this news from twitter:
@Berlian_ENT "Jakarta International Teen Festival
28 may 2011 with the line up :
Katy Perry (USA) , Big Bang(Korea),
24herbs(HKG), Brown Eyed Girs
(Korea) & 1 more to be announced
soon..Stay tuned!,"

WOW, if that is true that is too sudden!! I even dont have any preparation and enough money yet. But, i think it'll be better if Big Bang come in here (indonesia) next year in their solo concert. So, the Indonesian VIPs have enough time to save
our money.

Dan belum lagi kabar Paramore yg bakal manggung Agustus ntar. GALAU PARAH NI, GUE!!!


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